Sponsorship Opportunities are, but not limited to: (Our goal is to find a continuous $5000+ Event Sponsor)
- ✓ Event Sponsors $1500 or Higher| large Logo on t-shirt, CBC social media, CBC website and 2 team entries
- ✓ Gold Sponsors $750+| Logo on t-shirt, social media, CBC website and 1 team entry, receive a shirt
- ✓ Silver Sponsors $500+ | Logo on t-shirt, social media, CBC website and receive a shirt
- ✓ T-Shirt Sponsors $150+ | name on t-shirt, receive a shirt
- ✓ Food Sponsors $100 or food donation towards players’ lunch – Jambalaya is being served
- ✓ Prize sponsors $100 prize donations for raffle and tournament winners ($25 gift cards are popular)
- ✓ Open sponsors: All size monetary donations are welcomed.
Please Make All Checks Out To: OLG Foundation with CBC in the Memo area!
Checks Can Be Mailed To:
Camp Bon Coeur
300 Ridge Rd, Suite K
Lafayette, La 70506
Volley For Hearts
Contact Volley 4 Hearts committee for more information on Camp Bon Coeur or the Volleyball Fundraiser
337.501.7513 or email [email protected]
Contact Susannah Craig with questions about your donation or about the Camp Bon Coeur organization:
337-233-8437 or email her at [email protected]